Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea Treatment in Baltimore, MD
Defining Sleep Apnea
Symptoms of sleep apnea include feeling tired throughout the day, memory loss, impaired concentration, impaired driving, headaches, irritability, depression and sometimes a decreased sex drive. Obstructive sleep apnea can lead to more serious conditions including heart attacks, hypertension, and even death while sleeping.
Often this condition comes on with increased age and weight issues.
How We Can Help
Dentists and physicians together are working to try to alleviate or prevent obstructive sleep apnea. White Marsh Family Dentistry uses FDA approved oral appliances to help treat sleep apnea and other related sleep disorders. This device is worn like a mouth guard while the person sleeps. It fits like an orthodontic retainer, preventing the tongue from falling and supporting the mouth so the muscles don’t collapse when they relax.
Other options to treat sleep apnea include, but are not limited to, CPAP machines as well as several forms of minor surgical techniques.