Digital X-Rays

Digital X-Rays in Baltimore, MD

Digital radiography is the latest form of x-ray imaging, which involves the use of digital x-ray sensors instead of traditional photographic film. Digital radiography helps dental professionals make the most accurate and efficient diagnosis, so dentists can quickly develop treatment plans. A small sensor is connected directly to a computer instead of a film packet. When taking x-rays, the sensor is moved from tooth-to-tooth. The x-rays are available immediately on the computer monitor, with no development step in between. Since the digital x-ray exposure is shorter than conventional x-rays, the amount of x-ray radiation is reduced by up to 90 percent.
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Advantages of Digital X-Rays

Some advantages of digital x-rays:

  • Faster and more efficient.
  • View images instantly.
  • Less radiation exposure.
  • Images can be enhanced to improve viewing.
  • Images can be stored electronically.
  • Avoid the use of chemicals used in the traditional developing process.
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Digital X-Rays in Baltimore, MD