Dental Examinations

Dental exams are an important step in early detection and treatment of gum disease and tooth decay. For a first time visit, the dentist will perform a comprehensive dental examination that is very thorough and can include:

  • A review of the patient’s medical history, especially drug and latex allergies
  • A complete series of x-rays
  • Evaluation of wisdom teeth
  • Smile photographs and molds or impressions of your teeth, if necessary

During a regular checkup, the dentist will conduct a less extensive exam that will include many of the steps performed during an extensive exam, such as:

  • Review of any changes in the patient’s medical history since last visit.
  • Examination of tooth decay and damage using special instruments.
  • X-ray of any teeth that show signs of decay or wear.
  • Exam of existing restorations.
  • Screenings for oral cancer.

Your dentist or dental hygienist will also likely provide you with a quick reminder on proper home care and brushing techniques.